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Welcome to
PT Alpha

Who are we

and what do we do...




See our press release here

PT Alpha provides emergency aid to the nighttime economy. Currently operational in Kettering and Wellingborough, we aim to provide care to those who need it most helping to reduce the strain on both the ambulance service and hospitals.


Friday and Saturday nights see an increase in 999 calls to both the police and ambulance service, not all requiring a frontline emergency ambulance.


At a time when resources are more valuable than ever, we're doing all we can to support the services.


Working with Street Pastors, Town CCTV, Door Staff, and Venue Managers, we communicate via the Radio Network or via a dedicated contact number to our control room and then send our medical teams either on foot of by vehicle to where they are required.


The medical team will call for an emergency ambulance if required, direct to out-of-hours health care such as minor injury units, GP Surgery, or 111 but can also arrange for a taxi to take people to the hospital or home, whichever is best suited to their needs at the time.


PT Alpha is brought to you by First Line Medical Ltd and supported by Local Authorities, the Police and the county Police and Fire Crime Commissioner

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Based in the centre of Northamptonshire, First Line Medical are providers of top-class Event Medical Cover and First Aid Training services where they are needed most. Our ever-expanding team of Medics and Clinicians offer round-the-clock services to suit your needs.

First Line Medical Ltd © 2024/25. All rights reserved. Registered in England and Wales Company No. 13383911

VAT Registration Number 457 6261 69

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